Talk Less, Listen More

By Jarlath Opara

One single mouth, two  ears and two eyes aren't coincidences, there is a reason.  Not for fancy and cosmetic reason, there are reasons.

Talk ones and listen twice.  See more and talk less. Not all that one sees is meant to be spoken . Hear more, talk less,  see more, talk less.  These are lessons that nature gives by mere looking at human physiology. It is no coincidence. The arrangement isn't for mere formalities. Look beyond and see the lessons of life, if adhered to would give one an advantage over life challenges. 

The tongue is a double edged sword. It  slices, it can equally mend. It curses , it can bless too. With it favor is gained.  With it favor  is missed also.  

Speak less expecially when it is  needless.  Listen and ruminate more, engage in self conversation more than in an  interpersonal chit chat.  

Words are potent and flexible. It can be mischievously misconstrued. Say less and listen more, for words unspoken can't be misconstrued or misrepresented.

In the circle of men, speak less and listen more. A mouth  widely opened and runs like a broken water tap loses honor and  reverence fast. Listen more to add to what you know than to talk more and remove all doubts of how folly one is. 

In the presence of God, talk less and listen more. He knows the very beats  of your heart. He knows your worries,challenges and pains. Talk less and listen more to hear what solution He has for you. 

Your solution isn't in the talking, it is rather in  listening to His voice which comes with  instruction, only a listening ear can hear.

Haven't you talked enough? In 2023 you talked and talked.  You cried and cried.  You  ran from pillar to post, looking for ways and directions,  seeking to hear men of God speak and prophesy on you. You sowed seeds which is OK,  you  gave first fruit,which I have no problem with, you prayed and spoke in tongues which is nice.

But you  never had time to hear what He says, His instructions, directions and  strategies. 

Speak less this year and listen more.  Maybe  too much spoken words previously never allowed you the serenity, the calmness and the presence of mind to listen to His voice telling you the right botton to press for that oil of favour to flow. 

Listen more and speak less. Still waters run deep. The challenge isn't the challenges around you but the noise and distractions within, oftentimes orchestrated by the noise of  spoken words.  Reduce it to hear more of that inner voice in you, sublime and powerful if harkened to.

In this 2024, talk less and listen more to that voice that comes gently but powerfully potent. Speak less and meditate more on His words .Though difficult, but the benefits remain unequalled if followed. 

In this  2024, shun flamboyancy of words of frivolous consequences. Speak when necessary, at best remain silent.  Speak to self if you  must.  Engage  ones  inner self in a conversation and hear the profound results that come forth. Speak when necessary but at best listen to God speak.

 in His speakings are sublime wisdom that break barriers, lifting one from the lowly of shame, disdain and embrasamemt to the glow and glints of rest ,restoration and empowerment. 

Jarlath Opara 

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