Where Is The Line; Justice And Mercy?

By Jarlath Opara 30/12/2023

There is a tin line between the mercy of God and the justice of God. His wrath and His blessings. His love which is unfathomable, his condemnation of evil, his chastisement of a sinner and his hate for sin. 

These are mazes, trying to unwrap it using human intelligence may be difficult.

I sat in one of the churches within my locality during this period . It was nice and relishing hearing the tunes and rhythm of Christmas songs.

  Hardly not possible to enjoy the rich doctrines of the Catholic Church and the biblical fringes it enjoys through hymns and instrumentals. English for me has a way of watering down the deep cultural and spiritual values of the liturgy of the church. 

The few days I was home, were days I wouldn't be in a hurry to forget. I saw those I have not seen in ages and relished with my eyes the very outlandish sense of dressing of the "I just got back guys". 

They made show of their dressing, reflecting in no mean way the kind of lifestyle they live, their mentality about life and what they hold very dear to their heart. 

 It was fun for me beholding such, though wouldn't touch such with the longest stick. 

My experiences at home were quite huge but for the sake of this piece I will share one that really spoke to me deeply on the rate at which societal values are getting devalued even in the church. 

He was known as a yahoo plus guy. It wasn't hidden. He makes show of it and flaunt it with pride and dignity. 

 His exploits were talked about at every corner of the village. Though obviously an unethical adventure, many admire him and would possibly opt for such if they can have their way.

 It wasn't a challenge understanding the societal positive disposition to this unethical means to wealth but it beats me when it becomes same in the church.

My confusion which seeks for sincere and genuine clarification is, if a well known, notorious and daredevil arm robber comes for thanksgiving, with fat envelope and items supposedly bought from his fraud and ill / blood gotten money, how moral is it for the church to bless him and accepts the items?

Will it be ethical and morally ok for a priest or man of God to go bless a house built with ill gotten money known by all and sundry including the priest? 

Where lies this tin line of God's mercy and his justice, God's love and his wrath? Loving the sinner and hating the sin?

Can this be seen from the lenses of Fiducia Supplicans? Or are they different? Any clue?

Happy New year in advance 

Jarlath Uche Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com

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