Sister's Wing Coordinator Praises National Service Of Communion

"I genuinely want to take this moment to thank you all for all the support I enjoyed during my time in office as the NSW Coordinator. I’m very grateful for everything you did for me and my team and it’s an honor to us especially approvals of most of our prayers  and we will forever be indebted to your show of love which is evident in our achievements. We are mindful of the fact that we wouldn't have succeeded without your support

Without mincing words I want to reiterate that I value and cherish the time I spent with you all in meetings, seminars, retreats conferences and many other programs you are all amazing personalities, distinguished gentle men and ladies. In the same vein I am using this means to solicit for same affection for my successor so that the National Sisters' Wing will have a good transition.

Of a truth Words oftentimes lack the power to communicate emotions, feelings and realities of a heart so much overwhelmed by the love, commitment and support of those around. 

My heart feels same here. Having enjoyed your love and support for four years, it becomes very challenging to use mere words to say "thank you"

 I would have used more expressive words than "thank you" if there was one to appreciate you for your amazing sense of guidance, collaborations,  selfless sacrifices and unfailing sense of godliness that were more of the signature tune of my tenure. 

 Looking back, I wouldn't have wished for a better Executive nor a better National Service of Communion members other than you, without whom the stories of our success, riverbrating wouldn't have been.

Each time I remember with nostalgia the various challenges I faced, passed through, overcame, the many huddles my team and I scaled over, the pains and depressing times, as if we would be swallowed by them and how in unity and love we prayed through them, breaking forth I can't but cry for joy, for He who  watches over us never slumbered. 

I cried with tears of uncertainties four years ago when the mantle of leadership was vested on me unprepared and too young. Four years after the tears that roll down my cheeks are

tears of joy, having used to our human ability the talents he gave us well. 

You will agree with me that I had no option other than to pour down my heart in the new little book on the Chronicles of all events that surrounded my four years term, which I handed over to you in Ubulu-uku, on Friday, titled, " The Weeping
Coordinator" it's meant to inform you about the Sisters' Wing and to strengthen those who came blank into leadership that whatever you go through hold on to God who called you and remember that the end justifies the means.

 When I thought the weeping was over the devil struck on Sunday to give the nation reason to weep perpetually for me, but your prayers ascended to Heaven before then and the Angels were on guard, I hit only my legs and bled from my mouth, today the good news is that, I am alive hale and hearty and have been given opportunity to serve God more fervently.

To our Kaduna brethren, Sis. Christy and Sis. Patricia stories will definitely end in praise.

I hug each and every one of you with a warm hug of  love and deep sense of appreciation. 

Thanks for your support. Thanks for collectively pulling the National Sister's Wing to an apreciatiable and enviable height. 

To the new Executives of the NSW, I wish them well and pray for more exploits, conquering more lands than we did, pls let's collectively do it again by supporting them in every way we can.

To those who feel hurt and offended by my actions and inactions, pls they were not deliberately done to hurt you and weren't done from a place of hate, rather it was duty calls, to ensure that things were properly done well. Kindly find it in your hearts to forgive me.

May God help us at the various points of our needs and grant us eternal joy and rest hereafter. 

Love you dearly from my heart".

Sister Amaka Cletus Oradubanya

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