Renewal Under siege

Renewal Is Under Siege! 

The worse is looming, the unimaginable is lurking by the corner and the most shameful,  gathering like a cloud of moisture before it pours. 

We are busy crying for Nigeria and her sorry/ sore state, while our brand name "Renewal" is nose diving into shame and ignominy.

 We are busy castigating Nigeria politicians for their shame and sham in elections manipulative tendencies, while our brand name is by day getting enmeshed by the very ill we accuse the politicians of.

We are busy organising prayers, fast and vigils for Nigeria in distress while our brand name smoulder with ills and ungodly acts by members.

We blame our politicians,  curse them and wish them evil, in some cases death for causing such an excruciating pains to us ,  while our brand name gets tarnished by the activities of brethren who by comparison may be worse than our politicians.

The Renewal is presently being hijacked by wolves in sheep clothings. Wolves who bleat like goats, walk like goat but are as dangerous and carnivorous in their elements.

The brand name Renewal is smeared. The above  reproach it is known for, is gone.

 Is it dirty politics? Incubation of immorals?  brewing of hatred? Higher calibration of gang ups for selfish interest? Writing of petitions in a wordly manner and style? Formation of cliques for unwholesome self seeking interests? The list is too numerous to be exhausted in one fell swoop. 

I wouldn't say the Holy Spirit has left the renewal, but it seems and appears so, especially when one sees what happens among brethren  as it affects leadership in the renewal. 

Very sad, how we have degenerated to this level of having among us  "Boko Haram" who vibrate in tongues, preach awestruck messages, see vision etc but exhibit  similar character of Boko Haram in their leadership space. 

Sad and worrisome to know the thickness of hatred, backbiting, envy, jealousy, gossip, maligning and ungodliness in the renewal, soo thick a knife can run through it.

Love, forbearance and looking out for ones brethren, which  the Renewal was known for have fizzled out ,  only seen in staggering manner, more of an exception than the rule it was.

Many  members have gradually developed penchant for the down fall of those perceived to be threatening their confidence, position, potential etc and would fight  dirty to destroy them. The questions are  , are we still brethren? Is the Christ in us still the hope of our glory?

I ask with a painfully bleeding heart, are we still holding strongly this vision of renewing the Church close to our hearts? The  way and manner we carry ourselves with lots of baggages  least suggested it.

Truth be told, renewal especially in Nigeria needs a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  We need a deliberate regeneration of  broken hearts  for Christ that is in us to be indeed the hope of our glory.

We have painfully lost the fire. The heat is gone.  Only  lukewarmness and coldness,  the very feelings one easily gets in the renewal most often.

Let us come back to our first love and redefine our priorities,understand who we are.  Many do not understand who they are and can conveniently get carried away by the enticement of worldly orders, the very dire straits situation the Renewal in Nigeria has found itself.

Renewal is under siege by leadership who are not broken and could easily share same habits with unbelievers. 

The renewal is under siege by leaders who see leadership not as a call to service but a space to flaunt and bask in euphoria 

The renewal is under siege by leaders whose hearts are too dark to allow the rays of light to penetrate. 

The renewal is under siege by leaders who are dire hard politicians,scheming their ways and playing partisan politics in the renewal. 

If nothing is done! And Holy Spirit not being by our sides, the renewal one sees today may be better than the latter one

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