Pope Francis'  Another "Controversy"

He will always not disappoint. His "Controversies" are usually strong and deep, no matter how  one tries  to skew them, they will always be what they are , the true spirit of the gospel. All his "Controversies" have been speaking  truth to reality,  reasoning above doctrines and dogmas.  When  he said that heaven and hell are a state,  the whole Catholic Church went  agog. When he talked about the blessings of gay,  It was riotous. Now you can eat and drink anything one desires during lent. Hmmmm! One wonders the kind of uproar  it will generate. 

Kudos to Pope! You  took the word off  many mouths like mine. Christianity is a lifestyle, it is practical, audio and video. It must play,  it must show and it must be danceable. The beauty of lent isn't about how long one fasts,  more about how reflective of Christ ones life is.

 Christianity is a lifestyle  not  a bunch of seasonal religious  activities.

Today, being Ash Wednesday all the  churches will  fill to the brim,  with over flow. 80% of those that will  attend  morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Masses today come to get Ash . Ash for such people is seen to be above the  sacrifice of the Mass which they always form busy to attend every morning/ afternoon and evening. 

  Of what  spiritual nourishment is the Ash to ones soul  vis -a-- vis the healing potency of the Mass? This is what I have chosen to call a "misplacement of priorities", given up the substance for the accident, the nutritious for  the chaff.

Fasting and abstinence as good as they are  in aiding ones spiritual journey, will  just be a show of religious activities if they are mere dutiful display of laws and  ordinances of humans than a  catalyst towards changing ones life to reflect nothing but  godliness.

To those who  will  run off the streets preaching a fast-less and abstain-less lent, the spirit behind what Pope Francis said is, in the scale of priority, Christ-like- lifestyle is better than  an  activity or duty bound  fasting. What he  says is, the focus should be more on love, care,  compassion, sinlessness, virtues, morals, ethics etc.  If fasting and abstinence can be great instruments in achieving all that,  fine. But if otherwise one can achieve them without  fasting and  abstinence, glory!! 

This is 2024, ones lenten activities have seen more years. What is it that  works for you? Christianity is a personalised race.  What  works for you may not  work for  another  person. 

 Though personalised, the destination point  is the same.  Assses yourself, know what principle works and those that are incumbrant. In all these stay focused on the substance, the core courses and pay less attention to the elective courses. This doesn't suggest being non serious over them, but rather paying more  attention on the core courses. Reason is,  if one passes the  whole of the elective courses and fails the core courses which is Christ lifestyle, no crown is given.

Christianity is not a showbiz. It is not a staged drama for entertainment and random ovation.  It is also not an orchestra.  It is a  reality show, no drama, no pretence, what gets one the crown isn't the theatrics but how much of Christ that reflects in all that one does. 

 You  cast out  demons, preached, fasted etc in his name. Get behind me, I know you  not will be his response,  echoing to your spirit. This reflects activity without  Christ lifestyle 

It is not all about what one does or speaks, the motive is the key and very  important. 

40 days fasting and prayers isn't anti demonic harassment in itself without a Christ lifestyle. If it doesn't help one grow in intimacy with the trinity one could at best be in a hunger strike and non beneficial denial of  things to  self for that fourty days.  Don't  pray hard! Pray smart this lenten season and always. 

Quietly go and sign your forehead  with the Ash, reminding you of the emptiness of worldliness.  It isn't a trophy to be brandished on social media,  more of  an action that would make one sober, reflective  and repentant from ways that  are not Christ driven.

 Take a selfie of your ashed forehead and post it on social media, one would  have exposed  who one truly is, the hollow drama Queens and Kings of religious activities. 

Happy Ash Wednesday! Our body only came from the dust and back to dust it will go. We are not dust but our bodies are. We are God' image  back to him we shall  go. Gen. 3 .19B "From dust we came and to dust we shall return" It is  an old Testament status.  We are new creation beings by virtue of Christ death on the cross, our home now is heaven not dust anymore 

Jarlath Uche Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com

Pope Francis'  Another "Controversy"

He will always not disappoint. His "Controversies" are usually strong and deep, no matter how  one tries  to skew them, they will always be what they are , the true spirit of the gospel. All his "Controversies" have been speaking  truth to reality,  reasoning above doctrines and dogmas.  When  he said that heaven and hell are a state,  the whole Catholic Church went  agog. When he talked about the blessings of gay,  It was riotous. Now you can eat and drink anything one desires during lent. Hmmmm! One wonders the kind of uproar  it will generate. 

Kudos to Pope! You  took the word off  many mouths like mine. Christianity is a lifestyle, it is practical, audio and video. It must play,  it must show and it must be danceable. The beauty of lent isn't about how long one fasts,  more about how reflective of Christ ones life is.

 Christianity is a lifestyle  not  a bunch of seasonal religious  activities.

Today, being Ash Wednesday all the  churches will  fill to the brim,  with over flow. 80% of those that will  attend  morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Masses today come to get Ash . Ash for such people is seen to be above the  sacrifice of the Mass which they always form busy to attend every morning/ afternoon and evening. 

  Of what  spiritual nourishment is the Ash to ones soul  vis -a-- vis the healing potency of the Mass? This is what I have chosen to call a "misplacement of priorities", given up the substance for the accident, the nutritious for  the chaff.

Fasting and abstinence as good as they are  in aiding ones spiritual journey, will  just be a show of religious activities if they are mere dutiful display of laws and  ordinances of humans than a  catalyst towards changing ones life to reflect nothing but  godliness.

To those who  will  run off the streets preaching a fast-less and abstain-less lent, the spirit behind what Pope Francis said is, in the scale of priority, Christ-like- lifestyle is better than  an  activity or duty bound  fasting. What he  says is, the focus should be more on love, care,  compassion, sinlessness, virtues, morals, ethics etc.  If fasting and abstinence can be great instruments in achieving all that,  fine. But if otherwise one can achieve them without  fasting and  abstinence, glory!! 

This is 2024, ones lenten activities have seen more years. What is it that  works for you? Christianity is a personalised race.  What  works for you may not  work for  another  person. 

 Though personalised, the destination point  is the same.  Assses yourself, know what principle works and those that are incumbrant. In all these stay focused on the substance, the core courses and pay less attention to the elective courses. This doesn't suggest being non serious over them, but rather paying more  attention on the core courses. Reason is,  if one passes the  whole of the elective courses and fails the core courses which is Christ lifestyle, no crown is given.

Christianity is not a showbiz. It is not a staged drama for entertainment and random ovation.  It is also not an orchestra.  It is a  reality show, no drama, no pretence, what gets one the crown isn't the theatrics but how much of Christ that reflects in all that one does. 

 You  cast out  demons, preached, fasted etc in his name. Get behind me, I know you  not will be his response,  echoing to your spirit. This reflects activity without  Christ lifestyle 

It is not all about what one does or speaks, the motive is the key and very  important. 

40 days fasting and prayers isn't anti demonic harassment in itself without a Christ lifestyle. If it doesn't help one grow in intimacy with the trinity one could at best be in a hunger strike and non beneficial denial of  things to  self for that fourty days.  Don't  pray hard! Pray smart this lenten season and always. 

Quietly go and sign your forehead  with the Ash, reminding you of the emptiness of worldliness.  It isn't a trophy to be brandished on social media,  more of  an action that would make one sober, reflective  and repentant from ways that  are not Christ driven.

 Take a selfie of your ashed forehead and post it on social media, one would  have exposed  who one truly is, the hollow drama Queens and Kings of religious activities. 

Happy Ash Wednesday! Our body only came from the dust and back to dust it will go. We are not dust but our bodies are. We are God' image  back to him we shall  go. Gen. 3 .19B "From dust we came and to dust we shall return" It is  an old Testament status.  We are new creation beings by virtue of Christ death on the cross, our home now is heaven not dust anymore 

Jarlath Uche Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com

Pope Francis'  Another "Controversy"

He will always not disappoint. His "Controversies" are usually strong and deep, no matter how  one tries  to skew them, they will always be what they are , the true spirit of the gospel. All his "Controversies" have been speaking  truth to reality,  reasoning above doctrines and dogmas.  When  he said that heaven and hell are a state,  the whole Catholic Church went  agog. When he talked about the blessings of gay,  It was riotous. Now you can eat and drink anything one desires during lent. Hmmmm! One wonders the kind of uproar  it will generate. 

Kudos to Pope! You  took the word off  many mouths like mine. Christianity is a lifestyle, it is practical, audio and video. It must play,  it must show and it must be danceable. The beauty of lent isn't about how long one fasts,  more about how reflective of Christ ones life is.

 Christianity is a lifestyle  not  a bunch of seasonal religious  activities.

Today, being Ash Wednesday all the  churches will  fill to the brim,  with over flow. 80% of those that will  attend  morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Masses today come to get Ash . Ash for such people is seen to be above the  sacrifice of the Mass which they always form busy to attend every morning/ afternoon and evening. 

  Of what  spiritual nourishment is the Ash to ones soul  vis -a-- vis the healing potency of the Mass? This is what I have chosen to call a "misplacement of priorities", given up the substance for the accident, the nutritious for  the chaff.

Fasting and abstinence as good as they are  in aiding ones spiritual journey, will  just be a show of religious activities if they are mere dutiful display of laws and  ordinances of humans than a  catalyst towards changing ones life to reflect nothing but  godliness.

To those who  will  run off the streets preaching a fast-less and abstain-less lent, the spirit behind what Pope Francis said is, in the scale of priority, Christ-like- lifestyle is better than  an  activity or duty bound  fasting. What he  says is, the focus should be more on love, care,  compassion, sinlessness, virtues, morals, ethics etc.  If fasting and abstinence can be great instruments in achieving all that,  fine. But if otherwise one can achieve them without  fasting and  abstinence, glory!! 

This is 2024, ones lenten activities have seen more years. What is it that  works for you? Christianity is a personalised race.  What  works for you may not  work for  another  person. 

 Though personalised, the destination point  is the same.  Assses yourself, know what principle works and those that are incumbrant. In all these stay focused on the substance, the core courses and pay less attention to the elective courses. This doesn't suggest being non serious over them, but rather paying more  attention on the core courses. Reason is,  if one passes the  whole of the elective courses and fails the core courses which is Christ lifestyle, no crown is given.

Christianity is not a showbiz. It is not a staged drama for entertainment and random ovation.  It is also not an orchestra.  It is a  reality show, no drama, no pretence, what gets one the crown isn't the theatrics but how much of Christ that reflects in all that one does. 

 You  cast out  demons, preached, fasted etc in his name. Get behind me, I know you  not will be his response,  echoing to your spirit. This reflects activity without  Christ lifestyle 

It is not all about what one does or speaks, the motive is the key and very  important. 

40 days fasting and prayers isn't anti demonic harassment in itself without a Christ lifestyle. If it doesn't help one grow in intimacy with the trinity one could at best be in a hunger strike and non beneficial denial of  things to  self for that fourty days.  Don't  pray hard! Pray smart this lenten season and always. 

Quietly go and sign your forehead  with the Ash, reminding you of the emptiness of worldliness.  It isn't a trophy to be brandished on social media,  more of  an action that would make one sober, reflective  and repentant from ways that  are not Christ driven.

 Take a selfie of your ashed forehead and post it on social media, one would  have exposed  who one truly is, the hollow drama Queens and Kings of religious activities. 

Happy Ash Wednesday! Our body only came from the dust and back to dust it will go. We are not dust but our bodies are. We are God' image  back to him we shall  go. Gen. 3 .19B "From dust we came and to dust we shall return" It is  an old Testament status.  We are new creation beings by virtue of Christ death on the cross, our home now is heaven not dust anymore 

Jarlath Uche Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com

Pope Francis'  Another "Controversy"

He will always not disappoint. His "Controversies" are usually strong and deep, no matter how  one tries  to skew them, they will always be what they are , the true spirit of the gospel. All his "Controversies" have been speaking  truth to reality,  reasoning above doctrines and dogmas.  When  he said that heaven and hell are a state,  the whole Catholic Church went  agog. When he talked about the blessings of gay,  It was riotous. Now you can eat and drink anything one desires during lent. Hmmmm! One wonders the kind of uproar  it will generate. 

Kudos to Pope! You  took the word off  many mouths like mine. Christianity is a lifestyle, it is practical, audio and video. It must play,  it must show and it must be danceable. The beauty of lent isn't about how long one fasts,  more about how reflective of Christ ones life is.

 Christianity is a lifestyle  not  a bunch of seasonal religious  activities.

Today, being Ash Wednesday all the  churches will  fill to the brim,  with over flow. 80% of those that will  attend  morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Masses today come to get Ash . Ash for such people is seen to be above the  sacrifice of the Mass which they always form busy to attend every morning/ afternoon and evening. 

  Of what  spiritual nourishment is the Ash to ones soul  vis -a-- vis the healing potency of the Mass? This is what I have chosen to call a "misplacement of priorities", given up the substance for the accident, the nutritious for  the chaff.

Fasting and abstinence as good as they are  in aiding ones spiritual journey, will  just be a show of religious activities if they are mere dutiful display of laws and  ordinances of humans than a  catalyst towards changing ones life to reflect nothing but  godliness.

To those who  will  run off the streets preaching a fast-less and abstain-less lent, the spirit behind what Pope Francis said is, in the scale of priority, Christ-like- lifestyle is better than  an  activity or duty bound  fasting. What he  says is, the focus should be more on love, care,  compassion, sinlessness, virtues, morals, ethics etc.  If fasting and abstinence can be great instruments in achieving all that,  fine. But if otherwise one can achieve them without  fasting and  abstinence, glory!! 

This is 2024, ones lenten activities have seen more years. What is it that  works for you? Christianity is a personalised race.  What  works for you may not  work for  another  person. 

 Though personalised, the destination point  is the same.  Assses yourself, know what principle works and those that are incumbrant. In all these stay focused on the substance, the core courses and pay less attention to the elective courses. This doesn't suggest being non serious over them, but rather paying more  attention on the core courses. Reason is,  if one passes the  whole of the elective courses and fails the core courses which is Christ lifestyle, no crown is given.

Christianity is not a showbiz. It is not a staged drama for entertainment and random ovation.  It is also not an orchestra.  It is a  reality show, no drama, no pretence, what gets one the crown isn't the theatrics but how much of Christ that reflects in all that one does. 

 You  cast out  demons, preached, fasted etc in his name. Get behind me, I know you  not will be his response,  echoing to your spirit. This reflects activity without  Christ lifestyle 

It is not all about what one does or speaks, the motive is the key and very  important. 

40 days fasting and prayers isn't anti demonic harassment in itself without a Christ lifestyle. If it doesn't help one grow in intimacy with the trinity one could at best be in a hunger strike and non beneficial denial of  things to  self for that fourty days.  Don't  pray hard! Pray smart this lenten season and always. 

Quietly go and sign your forehead  with the Ash, reminding you of the emptiness of worldliness.  It isn't a trophy to be brandished on social media,  more of  an action that would make one sober, reflective  and repentant from ways that  are not Christ driven.

 Take a selfie of your ashed forehead and post it on social media, one would  have exposed  who one truly is, the hollow drama Queens and Kings of religious activities. 

Happy Ash Wednesday! Our body only came from the dust and back to dust it will go. We are not dust but our bodies are. We are God' image  back to him we shall  go. Gen. 3 .19B "From dust we came and to dust we shall return" It is  an old Testament status.  We are new creation beings by virtue of Christ death on the cross, our home now is heaven not dust anymore 

Jarlath Uche Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com

Pope Francis'  Another "Controversy"

He will always not disappoint. His "Controversies" are usually strong and deep, no matter how  one tries  to skew them, they will always be what they are , the true spirit of the gospel. All his "Controversies" have been speaking  truth to reality,  reasoning above doctrines and dogmas.  When  he said that heaven and hell are a state,  the whole Catholic Church went  agog. When he talked about the blessings of gay,  It was riotous. Now you can eat and drink anything one desires during lent. Hmmmm! One wonders the kind of uproar  it will generate. 

Kudos to Pope! You  took the word off  many mouths like mine. Christianity is a lifestyle, it is practical, audio and video. It must play,  it must show and it must be danceable. The beauty of lent isn't about how long one fasts,  more about how reflective of Christ ones life is.

 Christianity is a lifestyle  not  a bunch of seasonal religious  activities.

Today, being Ash Wednesday all the  churches will  fill to the brim,  with over flow. 80% of those that will  attend  morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Masses today come to get Ash . Ash for such people is seen to be above the  sacrifice of the Mass which they always form busy to attend every morning/ afternoon and evening. 

  Of what  spiritual nourishment is the Ash to ones soul  vis -a-- vis the healing potency of the Mass? This is what I have chosen to call a "misplacement of priorities", given up the substance for the accident, the nutritious for  the chaff.

Fasting and abstinence as good as they are  in aiding ones spiritual journey, will  just be a show of religious activities if they are mere dutiful display of laws and  ordinances of humans than a  catalyst towards changing ones life to reflect nothing but  godliness.

To those who  will  run off the streets preaching a fast-less and abstain-less lent, the spirit behind what Pope Francis said is, in the scale of priority, Christ-like- lifestyle is better than  an  activity or duty bound  fasting. What he  says is, the focus should be more on love, care,  compassion, sinlessness, virtues, morals, ethics etc.  If fasting and abstinence can be great instruments in achieving all that,  fine. But if otherwise one can achieve them without  fasting and  abstinence, glory!! 

This is 2024, ones lenten activities have seen more years. What is it that  works for you? Christianity is a personalised race.  What  works for you may not  work for  another  person. 

 Though personalised, the destination point  is the same.  Assses yourself, know what principle works and those that are incumbrant. In all these stay focused on the substance, the core courses and pay less attention to the elective courses. This doesn't suggest being non serious over them, but rather paying more  attention on the core courses. Reason is,  if one passes the  whole of the elective courses and fails the core courses which is Christ lifestyle, no crown is given.

Christianity is not a showbiz. It is not a staged drama for entertainment and random ovation.  It is also not an orchestra.  It is a  reality show, no drama, no pretence, what gets one the crown isn't the theatrics but how much of Christ that reflects in all that one does. 

 You  cast out  demons, preached, fasted etc in his name. Get behind me, I know you  not will be his response,  echoing to your spirit. This reflects activity without  Christ lifestyle 

It is not all about what one does or speaks, the motive is the key and very  important. 

40 days fasting and prayers isn't anti demonic harassment in itself without a Christ lifestyle. If it doesn't help one grow in intimacy with the trinity one could at best be in a hunger strike and non beneficial denial of  things to  self for that fourty days.  Don't  pray hard! Pray smart this lenten season and always. 

Quietly go and sign your forehead  with the Ash, reminding you of the emptiness of worldliness.  It isn't a trophy to be brandished on social media,  more of  an action that would make one sober, reflective  and repentant from ways that  are not Christ driven.

 Take a selfie of your ashed forehead and post it on social media, one would  have exposed  who one truly is, the hollow drama Queens and Kings of religious activities. 

Happy Ash Wednesday! Our body only came from the dust and back to dust it will go. We are not dust but our bodies are. We are God' image  back to him we shall  go. Gen. 3 .19B "From dust we came and to dust we shall return" It is  an old Testament status.  We are new creation beings by virtue of Christ death on the cross, our home now is heaven not dust anymore 

Jarlath Uche Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com

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