Why I left my First Marriage

Why I left my First Marriage

By Jarlath Opara

Life isn't one thing that comes with one single storyline.  It may appear so for onlookers,  but at a closer range, the very baggages that dent  what may look  like a perfect life  would awe anyone. 

Don't mind what you  see in many marriages. Don't be carried away by the very ephemerals that  seem overwhelming, making ones life one that seems desirable, the truth is , our life  is like  an ocean,  unless one takes one through the various corners and depth  of ones life, one may in the process of understanding another  person's  life  situation  get drowned. 

I got married at a very young age, when my mates were either struggling with their university education or struggling  on the streets under the scorching heat of the sun, looking for jobs. 

At the age of 21 I was done with my NYSC.  luck being on my side I ran into a man who  had an oil and gas company in Port Harcourt.  Got employed in  his company as his personal assistant.  

What was my work schedule? Arrange his

daily intenerrant, attend meetings with him, take proceedings and draft his speeches. Of course his social life wasn't excluded from my schedule.

   This will give one  an  idea of the kind of life I lived  working in such an environment. 
Both money and leisure were very much at my beck and call without sounding immodest. 

I was literally the cynosure of all eyes at such a young age. Every person that  mattered in that environment sought for my attention. Not because of who  i was ,but because of whose  schedule I was organising. If you must see my oga,  my approval would be required. 

It was at the heat of all these that  I got  married to my first wife. Unknown to me she was one of the daughters of a renowned  politician in town who I later discovered to be a grand master in the Ocult world.

I was made to believe she loved me genuinely but the whole intention of what turned out to be a marriage of convenience played out one year into the marriage. 

You  can imagine the classy nature of the wedding. Mention anybody of substance in Port Harcourt about that time, they all graced the event. 

 I thought  I have  arrived. Good job, good money and amazing wife.  What  else could I have asked  for? 

She saw me as a demigod whose words were law and my  presence   too majestic and royal. I thought all these  were from a place of genuine honor, but I was living in delusion. 

Many men and   women  are  still standing in their  marriages, seemingly  faithful and respectful today because of the presence of money. Once money  is gone,  the center that  holds their allegiance, the entire marriage gets crumbled.

Just to give you an idea of the kind of lifestyle I gave  my wife.  Our honeymoon was done in  Dubia. Her first  car gift was the latest car at that time. She had everything going for her, lacked nothing and never had  issues with either my siblings or parents.

 Looking at me now,  who would believe that such  was my lifestyle?  Such is life,it  doesn't come with a single story narratives. It comes with too many storylines only those who are players and actors in the whole episode would appreciate its tragicomedy  dynamics.

Don't judge any marriage by the external comportmemt of couples. The real worth of a marriage is behind closed doors, when money  isn't flowing and needs and wants scarcely  met. Until such flamboyant and seemingly faithful marriage passes such tunnel, be circumspect in seeing it from the lenses of a good marriage. 

Eight months after our wedding I got fired from my job. The reason why I was fired  till today was not disclosed to me. I was heartbroken, though consoled by the fact that my wife was still there for me. 

 Because of the way and manner she adored and revered me, i was sure of a peaceful home until I  would be able to bounce back again. 

Sadly,  it wasn't up to one month,  her real self unfolded. I saw a dragon in a dove, a python in a worm and a poison in a water.  She changed, a torn in my flesh,nagging by minute. After two months of not working and no possible prospect of getting any, she could go out at will and comes back at will. Ask her where she went to, she would reply with insults, reminding me of how a stupid man I was, irresponsible and good for nothing.

  It was like a cleaner was used to erased all the fun memories of us when  things were fine. 

Under my nose she would  bring men home,  stay away for days without  my permission. It was at this point she spilled the reason why she married me and the kind of a lifestyle she was living.  

I was broken emotionally.  Felt  used and dumped. It was so difficult to believe how a chameleon human beings can be.  All that glitters are not  gold. Watch before you  leap. What you  called good marriage may be a bomb waiting  to explode. Who  you  called  amazing husband or wife may be an opportunist, only  momentary hiccups can reveal.  We are full of exceeding possiblities as humans.

  If you have a wife or husband who loves and cherishes you  even when  needs and wants  are barely met, rejoice  for you have  an Angel in your  spouse.

To be continued ...how I got  divorced 


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