To Lead Well, Be A Follower Of Jesus

To Lead Well, Be A Follower Of Jesus

Everyone in leadership generally started out as followers. Due to our lot in life, level of competence, assertiveness or serendipity, leadership may come sooner or later as the situation and timing often dictates. Which is why “the what” or “the who” we are following, discussing and discerning all need the wisdom of Jesus to step in as the great mediator. Whether the issue at hand is what your role demands, what the Church teaches, what the pope says, your pastor’s homily provokes, a co-leader’s behavior looks like, your friends frown upon, and your spouse gets upset over; all things need the Word because he knows all things. The person of Christ who is the Word gives us the words to listen to and follow, to help separate the wheat from the weeds when it comes to any person, issue and anything that exists.

World youth day portugal hi-res stock photography and images ...World youth day portugal hi-res stock photography and images ...

Around 1.3 million youth attended the recent World Youth Day event with the theme “Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39). Evangelizing the love of Christ to the attendees so they will evangelize others, Bishop Robert Barron, during one of his keynote talks at the event in Lisbon, Portugal, commented light-heartedly to the audience: “Please don’t listen to those who tell you to do whatever I tell you! Do whatever he (Jesus) tells you, not me!”

The bishop of Winona-Rochester and Word on Fire founder went on to emphasize that while we are all sinners — bishops included in the bunch — “Jesus is divine, we can trust him; we should do whatever he tells us.” If that kind of leadership sounds familiar, it is because it is true. It also patterns the last recorded words of the Blessed Mother in sacred Scripture: “…his (Jesus’) mother said to the servers, ‘Do whatever he tells you’” (Jn 2:5).

To encounter Jesus in sacred Scripture is a daily practice of the Catholic Watchmen. As followers of his word, the Bible keeps us grounded in truth. “And the Word made flesh and made his dwelling among us” (Jn 1:14). Following those who follow the Word we can teach, protect and live the faith through the Ten Commandments, the sacraments, the Beatitudes and prayer. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “Sacred Scripture is the actual word of God written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit …” and “…firmly, faithfully, and without error teach(es) that truth which God, for the sake of our salvation, wished to see confided to Sacred Scripture” (CCC 105-107). Watchmen follow the leadership and emulate the heart of those who follow the Word to understand what is true and whether we are living in virtue or vice.

We will all be held accountable for what we say, seek, do, neglect and, finally, what or who we really worship. From the highest leadership of the Church on down, we are all sinners — leaders and followers — no matter our status, title or position. Sometimes we can be let down by an issue, decision or topic that lacks clarity when it comes to faith and morals. Knowing the Bible and the sacred tradition of the Church — what Jesus did, what he taught and further instructed his Apostles to do to continue his mission — provides an integrated way to understand the fullness of our faith. This way of approaching life, through a practical application of what the Church truly teaches, will help us in our daily lives.

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