The Crime Of Pope Francis?

By Jarlath Opara 

Quite an interesting moments for Catholics all over the world. They  are not smiling and the arrows and bullets from this "crime" unarguably are giving them sleepless nights. 

Many haters of the church have gone out with many narratives, painting the image of the church with the most brutal and ugly paint human mind can imagine. 

To those Priests who  have taken time to digest the document, explaining the very intention and spirit of the document in a very lucid and simplified language, Kudos to you all.

Though such explanations to those minds hell bent to see the church dragged to the mud are like water off the back of duck. I wish them well in their wild goose chase. They are actually chasing a butterfly around a bottomless pit, as in falling, they surely would.

 To those Catholics who are getting so paranoid about the  fall, shame and disgrace of the church, my brotherly counsel is this,the church wouldn't be scratched. Be calm and know that he is God for the gates  of hell will not prevail against the church.  

Of course you may  call me a hope giver in a seeming  hopless situation, no whala, time shall tell.

In my years of walk with God  for those who  believe in Him, nothing overwhelms,   as it seems changed and distorted it remains the same. 

My worry isn't about those who are fanning the embers of this horrible propaganda, the bloggers, the  social media influencers, the haters of Catholic Church etc I am rather peeved about those Catholics who out of paranoid, holier than thou disposition, over sanctimonious mindset etc are saying some unprintable things about the  Pope.  Be very careful! If you really believe in God, you  would have realised how personalised ones journey of faith is.

 Christianity is a life style not dogmas, though dogmas unarguably help one in the journey. 

Getting less distracted by the flying commentaries of devilish minds and getting attracted to the ways that would make ones personal walk with God solemn and holy should rather be the best path to chart. 

Jesus walked into Zacheus house the most notoriously hated tax collector and wined and dined with him. He allowed the most morally debased prostitute  Mary Magdalene clean and kiss his feet. Just imagine if it were now, what the headline would be and how bloggers and social media influencers would have misrepresented it.

Gays are the least of my challenge. Alone we came a lone we will go. God who is the righteous judge will judge all according to their deeds and actions. 

You may not be any better than gays before God. His ways certainly are not ours. Be calming down. Oh lord if you will mark our guilt who will survive? If God marks your guilt and you survive it,  congratulations. You can go ahead and condemn gays  and question why the mercy and  blessings of God should be given of them. 

Recently a place where fake drinks are poisonously brewed was discovered somewhere in Aba. May be the perpetrators of this wicked act may be condemning gays. Hypocrisy!

Let the wind and storm of propaganda blow in  a whirlwind manner. Let the fire of malicious distortion of facts fall in brimstone manner. Let the gates of hell be flung open against the church and the arrows of scandal fired on her. Let the earthly head of the church in error attract attacks no matter how ferocious, the good news is, the church wouldn't be prevailed against.  

Know this and know  peace!Cry for your sins. The church will be fine!

Jarlath Uche Opara

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