That Secret That Goes With Me

That Secret That Goes With Me!

There are a lot of secrets around me. I guess same is applicable to you.  Not all that  ones eyes see, one ears hear  and ones  nose perceives  are meant to play  guest to ones mouth. 

 Certain things are meant to find a place of eternal rest in the mind,far removed from the scratching ears 9and slippery mouths of many.

We are a repository of secrets not  a dispenser of them. We are the cistern, where people come to unburden their pains, worries,  challenges and disappointments, with the assurance of them being safe, sealed never to experience leakages. We are not broken pipes where leakages happen in a manner that makes the environment messy and embrassing. 

 Secrets are meant to be secrets. "Please tell nobody".  "It is between me and you". These are secrets that should go with one to the eternal, not one to be shared on a matrimonial bed with the embrace and warmth of ones partner. It is not  an object  of gossip to attract favors for  one green bottle among friends. Keep it secret.

Keep secret and don't make it a subject to be discussed. Keep it a secret as instructed, not to let it out on trust to another ears that shouldn't hear it. 

Our inability to keep secret is one vice that has caused a lot of challenges in many relationships. Something said on trust to one, to be held with honor and integrity is always seen as a discussing agenda at the place of drinking and eating.

 Something said for ones  ears alone, is seen hovering in the air  for ears  of anyone that cares isn't a good reputation. 

Secret is like entrusting ones nakedness to someone,  exposing it  for the eyes someone  else is not only  disrespectful but uncharitable.  In this case,  matrimonial oneness doesn't make it acceptable.  Sharing someone' secret entrusted unto you with your partners,  telling  them to keep  it to themselves is unethical, irresponsible and a breach of trust.

Secret is like  asking somebody  to help keep ones underwears, spreading it for public  view no matter how cute and  expensive it looks,  is lousy and  betrayal. Keep what you  are asked to keep as secret,  secret.  Don't compromise it , don't trade it off for some selfish interest, being too flippant to use  it as an entertainment lyrics for other ears.

There are many that can't keep secret no matter how one stressed the sensitivity of the secret. They are too flexible with their mouths,  nothing is safe in there.

 Theirs is too porous, singing songs with people' secret is for them a norm. To such  persons sieve them  from block of people to trust and treat them as chaff.

Have you found yourself divulging information that is meant for your consumption only? Telling someone else, someone's secret and demanding it remains with them? How would you think it would remain with them?  Same way you  entrusted them with a secret that is meant  for you alone,  same manner they would share it, demanding too that it stays with their seeming trusted persons. Before one knows it,  a  trickle  becomes a pool people come to  swim in. 

If you  have ever done such,  sharing an entrusted secret with other persons ,  your sense of integrity is seriously cracked.

Keeping secrets secret isn't that simple.  Not everyone has such virtue.  Sadly, those that have it are in minority.  To be on a safe place,  keep your secret your secret,  unless you have found a reliable person that wouldn't  divulge secrets no matter how. 

We are all expected to act like priests at the confessional with its secrecy,  dealing with people' secrets. Secrets are burden one should carry to the grave. If you can't, don't hear it in the first place.  But once you have heard it, you are bound to keep it behind sealed lips

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