John Cardinal At 80: MyPpersonal experience

Onaiyekan @ 80: My experience of him
He is a "young man" beginning another round of  journey into a deeper level of what life is. Usually not everybody gets this  privilege of accessing this deeper side of ones life.  It feels good, very refreshing for those with less baggages to be obsessed with.  My Dad before he passed was in this space for six years.  My mum just arrived at this level last year December. 
  She is as fresh as Cardinal in this highly privileged  space, basking in joy, happiness, piety and simplicity that come with it.
A lot written already about  Cardinal since his 80th birthday was announced last year. No single perspective would be able to describe him accurately without leaving much to be desired. 
Tempted to say he is like an Elephant  before the blind, no one  description says it all. But for fear of sounding so repetitive , I won't. 
Like a star he  shone, like a moon he   illumined and like a sun  he  dazzled beyond the shores.  The sound of the sonorous lyrics of his 80 years of life sedates many to sleep, not even an  insomnia person would stand it. The drums and xylophonic sounds of his exploits,  so moving none could sit without taking to the dance floor, not even the lame would. 
Does  he look 80? Certainly not, 70 years his perfect look if you  ask me. Robust in looks, critical in thinking, versatile in conversation and  humorous in his jabs.
On various occasions I have visited him with some groups for courtesy visits. The most recent was last year's August.  As a member of the Communications Committee planning the 5th Pan African Congress of Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Africa in Abuja, I joined the  National Service Communion to pay him a courtesy visit at his Domus Pacis  residence Asokoro
  Another courtesy visit one wouldn't  forget in a hurry. Each person that stood  to introduce themselves, Cardinal had something to say about either their village, state or country.
 He would engage with such a clarity and  precision of mind, if one isn't careful one would stutter with words  trying to provide answers to certain queries about ones state,  village or country. He is gifted, just to put it mildly.
My mission isn't to play to the gallery or engage in flattering adventures. I didn't also  set out to recount all the innumerable achievements of his, etched already on the hall of fame.  I am also not  here to begin to recount the number of people, too legion that  got employment/ appointments/ favours etc leveraging his integrity, connection and goodwill.
 I am also not here to recount the number of souls saved through his yearly  prison visitation.  What about his various interventions on both the political and religious platforms, speaking with clarity and  condemning ills, no matter whose ox is gored.
 Certainly,  such isn't the crux for embarking on this. All that he did before today belong in his past,  as good as they sound can't be more impressive than  his tommorow.  
As much as I celebrate his glorious past, my concern is in his glorious future, where the past could easily be forgotten or diminished by the glorious light of his future. 
Today heralds a new dawn for you his Eminence.  A new you, a new purpose, drive  and  interests. Today opens yet another  aspect of you, not many will understand except you and your God.
Congratulations Your Eminence John  Cardinal  Onaiyekan. I have only one prayer for you. I wouldn't pray for riches and  wealth,  you have passed such prayer. I wouldn't pray that you have fame and  influence, it will be praying amiss.  I wouldn't either pray for your destiny helpers to meet you, your destiny is already met and beautiful 
I pray  rather for you not to be delayed unnecessarily to avoid the unfortunate predicament of Hezekiah.
Your flight time unknown,  your aircraft  known , your destination by wishes and absolute trust in God's mercy is known also.
 Your Eminence, get your  ticket and visa stamped passport handy. Nothing else to see. Nothing else to hear,  nothing else to enjoy.  Focus like Elisha, defiling all orchestrated distractions,   less  you miss your heaven bound aircraft. 
Iife is like a football match,  a second is too long a time for a narrative to change.
Today 3rd of Feb 2024.  The Cathedral of Twelve Apostles will be filled to the brim . Clad and adorned in different attaires, the entire Archdiocese  rolls  out red carpet for you.  
Gifts you wouldn't use would abound,  eulogies upon eulogies will rend the air. Such is the joy and  happiness of a workman so diligent, humane, compassionate and dispassionately a Christian in his duty post. 
However, never be too focused on them to miss your heaven bound aircraft. Your earthly stage filled with ovation,  may your heavenly stage be more in ovation, welcoming you in chariots, with trumpet blast whenever your curtain falls.  Until then, make merry in the Lord.
 But remember your Eminence, time is  one of the most valuable gifts. 
Its value is set  like  monthly stipend it neither appreciates nor depreciates, but can either be mismanaged or managed. 
How much of it are  you  willing  to share? With who? At what  degree? For what  reason? Knowing how precious it is now. Time ticks! 80 years, still  fabulous. Congratulations!
Jarlath Uche Opara 

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